Can this be Reflexology for Feet?

ulcer caused by massage insole

Last week we had a patient return to our Brantford Podiatry office earlier than his usual 3 monthly routine care. His concern was the rapid development of a painful lesion on the plantar surface of his right foot. It had become so painful in the last two weeks that he was forced to walk on […]

Ingrown toenail? Not sure what to do!

ingrown toe nail

Well you’re in luck, here is a simple guide on how to manage it. Lets assume the toenail is sore and inflamed along one or multiple sides. Here are a couple of simple questions to help you manage this crisis. Question #1 Can you reach your own feet to care for them? If YES then […]

Blister: Understanding Prevention and Treatment

blisters on the back of heels

To Treat and ultimately Prevent Blisters we first have to understand what causes them and then use this information to head them off at the pass.(yes Grammarly raised the digital eyebrows at that analogy too!) Blisters are defined as: a small bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction, burning, or other damage. […]

What’s No. #1 on the Back to School list?

kids on first day at school

Good footwear of course! it doesn’t matter if its kinder garden, high school, college or University. Their feet are the foundation of their performance. Below is an interview I did on Rogers Television in Brantford 12 years ago, the subject matter was Children’s Feet pertaining to end-of-summer and back-to-school footwear purchases. As always during “Inside […]

What can I find but you can not feel?

diabetic evaluation tools

Normally I apologize before posting a Blog on a previously covered subject. In this case once more is never enough. The patient was in his late 60s, a poorly controlled type 2 diabetic with pronounced peripheral vascular disease (reduced blood to the feet) and neuropathy (partial loss of feeling in feet). He attends our clinic […]

Why would I use Skate/Ski Orthotics?

Skaters ready for face off

Perhaps the day before the opening of the Paris Olympics may not be considered the best time to post a blog on Hockey skates and orthotic control. But the puck drops on the Toronto Maple Leafs new season on October 9th so consider this a little warm-up for that visit to Montreal and the Canadians. […]

Smart Use Of Your Smartphone

smartphone in doctors pocket

The Smartphone has become an integral part of our daily lives and we can argue whether for better or worse. But it’s safe to say they’re here to stay. They enable us to do banking and business from anywhere with a digital connection. We can check on the kids, tell Mom I love you, adjust […]

Time For New Wheels

Many of you have heard me lament, I’ve been overdue for new shoes for a considerable while.  So finally, After work a few of weeks ago, I barged into our local shoe store in Brantford just at closing time (apologies to all the staff at “Al’s Shoe Factory”) for a little game of speed shopping. […]

Got Squeaky Orthotics?

shoe with orthotic insert

This can be an annoying symptom of having orthotics, but it’s not a sign that they are poorly made or somehow defective. Frequently we hear complaints about orthotics squeaking and creaking in shoes. This short video demonstrates how loud they can be and how instantly they can be silenced. This situation illustrates that no matter […]