Must read blog articles.
Why would I use Skate/Ski Orthotics?
Perhaps the day before the opening of the Paris Olympics may not be considered the best time to post a blog on Hockey skates and
Smart Use Of Your Smartphone
The Smartphone has become an integral part of our daily lives and we can argue whether for better or worse. But it’s safe to say
Time For New Wheels
Many of you have heard me lament, I’ve been overdue for new shoes for a considerable while. So finally, After work a few of weeks
Got Squeaky Orthotics?
This can be an annoying symptom of having orthotics, but it’s not a sign that they are poorly made or somehow defective. Frequently we hear
Are your shoes talking to you? It’s time to learn their language!
Are your shoes talking to you? It’s time to learn their language!
Self-treatment is good, as long as it is the Appropriate Treatment.
We encourage patients to participate in self-treatment but only when they have a correct diagnosis and suitable treatment plan.
What Triggers an Arthritis Flare?
For those of us who have have any type of arthritis, you’ve probably lived through a flare up. During this period of renewed, increased disease
How Short Should I Cut My Nails?
Simple question and truthfully no one answer fits all. Why? You may well ask. Well for some individuals their nails are vital for picking up
Bowed Legs? So what!
No one has straight legs, but knock knees and bowed legs greatly impact how the feet strike the ground. Something as simple as bowing of
Got Osteoarthritis? Drugs or surgery?
The diagnosis of Osteoarthritis is often delivered as a final decree. The generally accepted course is to manage the pain with oral anti-inflammatories until it’s
Got A Hard Bump On The Top Of The Foot?
These bone growths on the top of the feet are often associated with functional overpronation. As the feet roll inwards, the bones in the arch
All We Ever Hear is FAT is BAD!
Fatty tissue when organized cleverly can dramatically reduce pressure and help avoid puncture injuries