How can I best stretch my plantar fascia ?

Simple answer, you shouldn’t !
The plantar fascia is not a muscle, it’s not meant to stretch or lengthensignificantly. It has minimal elasticity and I generally liken it to a braided steel band when explaining this to patients. Man has copied this natural construction method for centuries with varying degrees of complexity and success.

Plantarfascitis is the pain from inflammation of the plantarfascia most commonly at the insertion of the medial band to the heel bone. Micro tears in the band usually caused by trauma or over use trigger the inflammation as part of the healing process and also serves to dissuade the individual from further aggravating it while healing takes place.

To treat the condition, first identify the cause and don’t aggravate it in the mean time. So to summarize, aggressive stretching, deep tissue massage and impact exercising will all likely add fuel to your flames.
Be nice your plantar fascia they can bite back!.
Give us a call and have one of our “engineers” look into your structural issue!