Treating Your Bunions

Do you fondly remember the days when you could walk without pain? When you have a bunion, many things you used to take for granted become much more difficult. The podiatrists at Podiatry Associates in Whitby, Mississauga, Brantford, and Toronto, ON, offer treatments that can help ease your bunion pain.

What can I do at home to relieve my pain?

Making a few lifestyle changes may help reduce your pain and slow the progression of your bunions. If you’ve continued to wear tight shoes or high heels despite your bunions, it’s time for a shopping excursion. Look for well-padded shoes that offer ample room in the toe box area.

Adhesive pads cushion your aching foot, reducing pressure and friction from your shoes. Apply them to your bunion and also to your toes if your big toe overlaps your second and third toes.

It may also be necessary to make a few changes to your usual routine. Although exercise is an important part of good health, you may need to temporarily alter your usual routine. Avoiding activities that involve running, walking or jumping is a simple way to decrease pain. You may also be more comfortable if you limit the amount of time you spend standing or walking during the day.

How can my Whitby, Mississauga, Brantford, and Toronto, ON, foot doctor help me?

Your podiatrist can offer treatments and devices that can decrease your pain, including corticosteroid shots, night splints and orthotics. Night splints help realign your foot while you sleep, while orthotics do the same thing when you wear shoes. Orthotics are custom-created for you by your foot doctor to address your unique foot issues. If your bunion interferes with your life or causes severe pain, surgery may be the best option. During surgery, your foo doctor removes the bump, realigns the bone, removes excess tissue, and repairs tendons and ligaments, if necessary.

Find real relief for your bunion pain with a visit to the podiatrists at Podiatry Associates. Schedule an appointment by calling (416) 694-4166 for the Toronto, ON, office, (905) 433-0200 for the Whitby office, (905) 568-3800 for the Mississauga office, or (519) 751-2900 for the Brantford office.