Can the shape of your foot predict life success?

I despair sometimes…….. correction, frequently, at the nonsense that appears in my social media feed. Perhaps this is a reflection more on me than society in general, regardless this image popped up the other day and caught my eye

Clearly, five and twenty-eight thousand people saw fit to give this a like, so it’s probably worth a word or two. In 36 years of clinical practice and teaching I have seen zero correlation between toe pattern (digital formula ) and personal wealth, poverty, success, happiness, or lack there of. Romantic or sexual prowess is a bit of a tricky one and I’m going to admit to not being qualified to comment on that one.

There is a direct correlation between foot health and general health and vitality. Lack of good foot health is a direct contributor to unhappiness, depression, shortening of life, quality and longevity.

Not all foot health issues we treat are due to personal neglect or injury. Most are multifactorial, involving inherited structural issues, systemic medical conditions, environmental, occupational, and even socio-economic.

The most important factor to remember is that every situation can be made better or worse depending on the choices we make in life. If you have choices to make regarding your feet or function we are here to help you choose wisely so you can make the most of your life regardless of the shape of your toes.

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