Mauritius we miss you!

We are back in the office and oh my what a trip!.

Any fears that I may have harboured about how beneficial our trip to Mauritius might have proved, have most certainly been dispelled.

We were able to achieve the primary goal of auditing present Diabetic foot-care provision by meeting with all the interested parties and spending an entire week traversing the island working and teaching at five regional diabetic foot-care clinics. With the benefit of experience and a non-partisan outlook, we were able to identify some disparities in clinical service across the island, room for the expansion of clinical skills and ultimately the addition of Mauritian students trained abroad as surgical podiatrists to complete a unique, effective and accessible diabetic foot-care service that could prove to be the envy of any country.

Marilyn and I would like to thank all our staff and associates for keeping the boat afloat at home while we were off adventuring. Without their support on this end, we could never have undertaken this request.

Thanks to our youngest son Finn for keeping the home fires burning, looking after Frisco and being awesome at putting up with our(Marilyn) calls at ridiculous hours of the morning and night.

Thanks to all of you who followed along on social media. This last video offering is a brief glimpse of the beauty of Mauritius, hopefully, it captures a sense of the gentle beauty of the people, countryside, and spiritual wholesomeness that pervades Mauritius.

If you have followed us during our Mauritius Adventure then like and subscribe to our Facebook or Instagram feeds. We will be updating you on developments there, also with a steady stream of new educational and informative subjects. If you have any subjects you would like us to write about then please send suggestions. We are easy to get hold off through any of our social medial outlets or directly through our website @