Can this be Reflexology for Feet?

Last week we had a patient return to our Brantford Podiatry office earlier than his usual 3 monthly routine care. His concern was the rapid development of a painful lesion on the plantar surface of his right foot. It had become so painful in the last two weeks that he was forced to walk on […]
Ingrown toenail? Not sure what to do!

Well you’re in luck, here is a simple guide on how to manage it. Lets assume the toenail is sore and inflamed along one or multiple sides. Here are a couple of simple questions to help you manage this crisis. Question #1 Can you reach your own feet to care for them? If YES then […]
Self-treatment is good, as long as it is the Appropriate Treatment.

We encourage patients to participate in self-treatment but only when they have a correct diagnosis and suitable treatment plan.
How Short Should I Cut My Nails?

Simple question and truthfully no one answer fits all. Why? You may well ask. Well for some individuals their nails are vital for picking up small objects. For others, any length may be a possible source of hiding dirt and pathogens that may be unacceptable in their field. The rest of us fall somewhere in […]

This gentleman was determined to make a change in his health and mobility in this new year. We were lucky enough to help him achieve that. Often when considering topics to Blog about we neglect the mundane and less glamorous aspects of our professional lives, conversely this is often where we can have the greatest […]
Why It Is Important Not To Neglect Callouses

Life is always busy!. There will never be a better time!. Sometimes it becomes so easy to neglect the obvious in favour of daily responsibilities and routine. Here is why you cant. Judging by the images below we can see this guy works in a physically demanding environment. There is clearly a structural/functional instability in […]
“Want To Really Enjoy A Foot-soak?”

This is not an unusual emergency presentation to our offices, sometimes it can be as simple as sun exposure, often thermal (heat or cold) and commonly chemical in origin. Next time you decide to spoil yourself with a little foot soak or foot spa remember to get the water temperature sorted prior to inserting your […]
Mauritius we miss you!

We are back in the office and oh my what a trip!. Any fears that I may have harboured about how beneficial our trip to Mauritius might have proved, have most certainly been dispelled. We were able to achieve the primary goal of auditing present Diabetic foot-care provision by meeting with all the interested parties […]
Preliminary report to Mauritius Health Minister

Our meeting with the Mauritius, Minister for Health last Friday had to be rescheduled to Monday October 23rd 2023, the day of our departure for home. Fortunately, this gave us additional time to compile our thoughts better and put them on paper. It was an additional surprise to learn that the national TV station would […]
Video summary of first days in Mauritius

Finally, we managed to download some of the highlights from the first week in Mauritius. Its impossible to do justice to this island of Mauritius with words or pictures. The people are equally hard to capture with their gentle dignity and willingness to assist even the most trivial of query. As beautiful as this place […]