Got Squeaky Orthotics?

This can be an annoying symptom of having orthotics, but it’s not a sign that they are poorly made or somehow defective. Frequently we hear complaints about orthotics squeaking and creaking in shoes. This short video demonstrates how loud they can be and how instantly they can be silenced. This situation illustrates that no matter […]
Sever’s disease is a common childhood and early teenage affliction, what causes it?

Today’s topic arises from a question from a patient regarding our last blog and the appearance of a lovely young lady with a very sore posterior heel. Sever’s Disease may considered an old fashioned term, and rightly so since it was first described in 1912 by J W Sever. Calcaneal Apophysitis may be more appropriate […]
Would you like to avoid causing damage to the top covering on your custom Orthotic?

Occasionally we get patients returning for check-ups voicing disappointment with the durability of the top covering of their orthotic devices. In reality, the damage was unwittingly caused directly by the individuals themselves. They managed this by improperly utilizing a shoe horn while putting on the shoe. As time passes, simple tasks can become difficult or […]
What Does actually Work For Plantar Heel Pain

In Part one, we discussed what DEFINITELY doesn’t work for Plantar Heel Pain (PHP). Then we looked at what MIGHT work based on present research. NOW, IT IS TIME TO LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE FOR WHAT ACTUALLY DOES WORK FOR PHP! Weight loss In a systematic review by Butterworth et al focusing on the relationship […]
Understanding Orthotics: Types, Benefits, and Uses

When you suffer from foot pain, it can make your life miserable. Orthotics can help you get relief from foot pain and other foot conditions. The podiatrists at The Podiatry Associates provide a wide range of foot and ankle services, including orthotics. They have three convenient office locations in Whitby, Mississauga, and Brantford, ON, to […]
Are Orthotics Right For Me?

How orthotics from your podiatrists in North Whitby, Brantford, and Mississauga, ON, can help you Your feet carry a heavy burden. They help you stand, walk, run, and they support your weight. What can help your feet when they hurt? It turns out, orthotics can help you get relief from a wide variety of foot […]